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Dedicated to Super Specialty Hospitals of Today

[caption id="attachment_8653" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Dentist Holding Dental Tools Dentist Holding Dental Tools[/caption]

A dentist, doing his first extraction on a patient, was understandably�nervous.

When he got the molar out, his hand shook, he lost his grip on the instrument, and the tooth dropped down into the patient's
throat. "Sorry," said the doctor. "You're outside my specialty now.
You should see a laryngologist! [throat specialist]."

By the time the
unfortunate victim got to� the laryngologist, the tooth had worked its
way much further down.
The laryngologist examined the man. "Sorry,"said
the doctor, "You're outside my specialty now. You should see a
gastrologist! [stomach specialist]."

The gastrologist X-rayed the
patient. "Sorry," said the doctor,"the tooth has traveled into your
lower intestines. You should see an enterologist! [intestinal

The enterologist took some X rays. "Sorry, the tooth
isn't there. It must have gone down farther . You should see a
Proctologist! [a specialist in diseases of the rectum; anus].

The Proctologist's examined the patient.... inserted a proctoscope inside the . . . . and remarked.....
"Good heavens, man!
You've got a tooth up there!
You should see a dentist!"

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