
People respect the money not the person!

After his father's death, the Son decided to leave his mother at an old age home and visited her periodically.

One day he received a call from the old age home...."Mom very serious,..... please come immediately".

Son went and saw mom very critical, on her dying bed.

He asked: "Mom, is there anything you wish i can do for you"?.

Mom replied... "Please install fans in the old age home, there are none.... Also put a fridge for the benefit of everyone because many a time I slept without having enough food".

To his surprise, the son asked: mom, while you were here all these time you never complained, Up till now when you have a few hours left that you should be telling me all this, Why?

The mother replied fighting back to hold those tears welling up in her eyes....."it's OK dear, I've managed with the heat, hunger & pain, but should the day when your children send you here, which I hope not, i' m afraid you may not be able to manage

Truth no 1 :
nobody is real in this world except Mother..

Truth no. 2 :
a poor person has no friends..

Truth no. 3 :
people do not like good thoughts they like good looks..

Truth no 4 :
people respect the money not the person..

Truth no 5 :
the person you love the most, will hurt you the most !

Truth no 6 :
"Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it...It Becomes Difficult"

Truth no 7 :
"When you are happy you enjoy the music", but
"when you are sad, you understand the lyrics".

Truth no 8 :
IN LIFE there are only two things that will define you-
"Your patience" when you have nothing...
& "Your attitude" when you have everything...

Nothing could be further from the truth,"The internet shows us how small the world is...but one missing plane shows, how big our planet is.."

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