Budget session begins today and here are the announcements made by President Mukherjee:
Inflation, fiscal & current account deficit decreased. India recorded highest ever foreign exchange reserves in 2015
GDP growth has increased; India the world�s fastest growing economy among large economies
Varanasi and Jaipur have been declared as 1st two Indian cities to be part of the UNESCO Creative Cities network
Govt has launched SATYAM initiative to explore the modern scientific roots of our traditional wisdom
29 Electronic Manufacturing Clusters are under development.
The country recorded the highest ever software exports during 2015.
Domestic Air Passenger traffic has registered substantial growth during the year.
My Government is also working on a new Civil Aviation Policy with thrust on connectivity to small cities.
Government has revived a majority of 73 stalled road projects, completed construction of 7,200 km of highways.
Govt initiated several ambitious measures for improving sanitation standards at Railway Stations & Trains.
Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation Act, 1957 was amended and auction of mines has commenced.
Introduced dynamic & comprehensive reforms in Coal sector, conducted transparent allocation of over 70 coal blocks.
In the year 2015 India witnessed the highest ever generation of electricity.
Solar power is affordable and accessible to thousands of people.
Govt has envisaged increasing the renewable energy capacity manifold to 175 GW by 2022.
Government has been unsparing in punishing those who are found guilty of corruption.
Government firmly believes economic development and environmental protection can co-exist.
Government has launched the Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan.