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Conversation between Aadhar, Apple and Samsung

Aadhar - I have Biometric information of people who possess me

Apple - I too have the same

Samsung - I too have. So what's new?

Aadhar - But why do people criticise me? I only take it once from the people.

Apple - ???? I take finger print and eye scan daily and people love giving it and pay Rs 50,000+ to buy me

Aadhar - OMG Why ? But they say someone can steal these biometric details from me. Don't they say to you ?

Apple - ? Uff, I actually save every information on the IPhone backup Server. But they love me because I am costly. Indians love costly death.

Aadhar - They say I am not secured, despite of the fact that I am encrypted

Apple - Look do you remember when FBI took data from us ? It's not about encryption. I gave all data to the US Intelligence

Samsung - I too ??? My brothers like Vivo, Xiomi do the same and the Chinese take it.

Aadhar - But why only I am cursed?

Apple and Samsung unitedly - It is because you are Indian and possessed by Indian people who need excuses to abuse their own Indian Government. You become that Excuse. We are brands! People give Rs 40K- 50 K and give all details like Location, GPS, Contacts, Biometric data, every damn thing and love posting on Facebook - Hey, That's my New IPhone ???????

How true is this ..

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