Across the globe, rainfall is triggering an increase of infiltration and inflow in both combined and separate sewer networks. This reduces the ability of sanitary sewer systems and treatment facilities to transport and treat wastewater. As a result, wastewater treatment processes are disrupted, and poorly treated wastewater is discharged into the environment, putting public health at risk.
How it works
The Cloud-based operational service uses weather forecasting to predict inflows and load to the wastewater system. Through real-time simulation, it provides automated control on how to optimise the system � such as by minimising combined sewer overflows, reducing flooding and achieving a stable inflow to the treatment plant. Through a scenario-based model planning tool, Future City Flow also helps stakeholders test and identify cost-efficient measures and achieve targets within budgets and timelines.
"Future City Flow enables utilities to proactively operate their wastewater systems to optimise the transport and treatment of wastewater using existing infrastructure. In the long run, Future City Flow can help identify strategies that maximise ROI and thereby bolster their investment planning," explains Cecilia Wennberg, DHI�s Vice President of Urban Market Development.
To learn more about Future City Flow and to request a free demo, visit and sign up for the free webinar happening 11 Feb 2021.