
Now Available: New Essential Vitamins Panel By GX Sciences

Now Available: New Essential Vitamins Panel By GX Sciences

GX Sciences is now offering the Essential Vitamins Panel, a new nutrigenomic test for nutrition.

Online PR News � 11-June-2019 � The Essential Vitamins Panel is the newest nutrigenomic panel from GX Sciences. We offer high-quality DNA testing and reports designed to help you understand your nutritional and health needs. Our team of experts created a system for practitioners to offer patients affordable Nutrigenomic Testing through a simple cheek swab. Each panel report identifies Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) carefully chosen by our medical experts. Patients receive recommendations for the targeted supplements that they need along with health precautions, lifestyle recommendations, and key health information. Our Essential Vitamins Panel was crafted to analyze your bodys most important nutrients.

Our bodies need vitamins for many different reasons. Vitamins are considered essential nutrients because when acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. Some form important elements in the body like red blood cells and bones, while others work to grow, heal, repair, and maintain your body's cells, organs, and systems. GX Sciences new Essential Vitamins Panel analyzes your DNA for nutrients that you may be lacking. This nutrigenomic panel helps you learn about the genetic weaknesses you may have and how your body functions. Even if you keep a healthy diet, you can experience vitamin deficiencies. This is why it is important to take vitamin supplements and to replenish the nutrients that a healthy diet alone cant.

After you take the Essential Vitamins Panel, you will receive a report of your DNA that includes information about what each SNP means to you and your health. There will also be nutritional product and nutrient recommendations created by our experts for your particular genetic weaknesses (SNPs). It even contains scientific references on each SNP from top medical journals and research abstracts. The report helps patients clearly understand the next steps of how to overcome their personal genetic weaknesses and how to utilize the information given to them. Your health is extremely important, which is why we make sure the reports are detailed and personalized to you.

In addition to the Essential Vitamins Panel, GX Sciences offers a total of 14 panels that are available for genetic testing. On our website, you can easily read information about each panel in order to find the one that will be best suited for you and your needs. Check out our provider map to locate a practitioner in your area that offers GX Sciences Nutrigenomic Panels. Learn more on our website today at

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Kara Stewart-Mullens
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