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September 11th terrorist attacks and divorce

The first divorce directly related to the September 11th terrorist attacks was filed in a NY court.

It  appears a guy with an office on the 103rd floor of the World Trade  Center left home for work on Sept 11. When he got to Manhattan, he  decided to spend the morning at his girlfriend’s apartment in the  Village. When he got to her place, he turned off the phones, TV and  radio and spent the entire morning in bed with her. At about 11:00 am,  while still at her place, he turned his cell phone back on to retrieve  his messages.

A  second later it rang. His wife was on the phone crying and screaming at  him, “I’ve been trying to call you for over two hours!! I’ve been  worried sick about you! Are you OK?!?” He answered calmly that he was  fine.

The wife then asked, “Where are you?”

The guy said, “Where do you think I am? I’m in my office!”

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